David Boyd

Photography has been a passion from an early age, and throughout my travels. However, apart from a brief spell as a photographer for a local magazine whilst living in New Zealand, it has always played second fiddle to my main career in the music business. Then, after many years of living in London, I moved to the North coast of Ireland. Back in my home country, and having lived there through lockdown, I rediscovered my love for making images.

The beautiful coastline became my main inspiration, and the choice of camera played a big part in developing my images. I am well aware it's not about the gear, but when I bought the Fujifilm X100V, that little gem really changed how I took my photographs. I have since explored the other cameras made by Fujifilm and use them daily. The images here are the result of my wanderings around the beaches on my doorstep.

My favourite photographic experiences come with the changes of light, which make familiar scenes look vastly different with every visit. I feel like this photography is my kind of beachcombing, picking up found images and bringing them home.

Having grown up at this beach, left, and then returned years later, it is also a very nostalgic experience for me. I wanted to capture that emotion by adding atmosphere, and occasionally a little humour, to my work. Being such a well photographed area, I also wanted to bring my own experience and vision to the mix.

I hope that comes across to the viewer and enables them to recall memories of their childhood adventures.

This article first appeared in PRISMA, Issue 7.