Alec Waters
After losing both lower limbs while serving in Afghanistan in 2012 I found myself having to start my life over. What do you do when everything you ever wanted to be is taken away from you? I tried lots of different things in rehabilitation after my injuries but nothing seemed to stick or give me a sense of fulfilment. But eventually years later, I found my niche. I found that I enjoyed photography and in particular landscape photography. But I couldn’t walk far enough to get to the places you need to get to. This all tied in with my fitting of blades , which meant I could walk further and be on my prosthetics longer. The blades gave me more freedom and expanded my ability to photograph the landscapes. Now I spend a lot of my time out in the hills taking photographs, and generally enjoying being outdoors.
It brings me a sense of peace and calm, and most of all a challenge. I am based in the Peak District but the UK has one of the most diverse landscapes in my opinion, from the coastlines of Cornwall to the highlands of Scotland. I never get bored of shooting the beautiful locations it has to offer. I will keep pushing myself physically in the gym and the outdoors to stay fit and well enough to keep on my feet for longer and keep shooting. I have never been one to shy away from a challenge, quietly confident and particularly stubborn, I enjoy my lifestyle now. Although it is different to what I had planned for this age, I'm doing alright and I count my blessings every time I witness a sunset, a sunrise , or one of those fleeting moments worth capturing. I know I’m where I am meant to be.
This article first appeared in PRISMA, Issue 20.