Vanessa Leinweber

At the Deutsches Segelflugmuseum mit Modellflug, or, in English, the German Glider Museum, the volunteer model builders are the heart of the exhibitions. On the Wasserkuppe in the Rhön Mountains, the developing of gliding is conveyed vividly to visitors. Crucial to this experience is the reconstruction of historical gliders, painstakingly carried out by the volunteers with unique craftsmanship skills, historical expertise, passion and attention to detail . The models they create are not only precise replicas but also artworks in their own right, which reflect the innovation and pioneering spirit of gliding history. Through their efforts to expand and maintain the collection, the history of gliding not only remains alive but also accessible to future generations.

The volunteers are a highly valued if not indispensable part of the museum, enriching the visitor experience and perpetuating the fascination with gliding. When I approached a photo shoot with Lukas, one of the volunteers at the Segelflugmuseum, I aimed for a natural, candid feel to capture the essence of his dedication and passion. I encouraged him to continue his work as usual, focusing on his intricate modelling tasks. We chatted throughout the session, discussing his techniques, inspirations, and the history behind the models. The organic exchange between us helped him relax, allowing me to capture the genuine moments of his concentration and enthusiasm. The resulting photos reflected the true spirit of his work, showcasing the meticulous craftsmanship and heartfelt commitment he brings to the museum and those who visit.

This article first appeared in PRISMA, Issue 19.